The Wisdom of Age Project—Hampton Roads, Va. 2013 Documenting Life Stories & How We Get By
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"Enjoying the Journey: A Guide to Enjoying the Second Half of Life"

films by Ebony Brown

“At this age, I want to see as much of the world as possible.” Peggy King, a lively 71-year-old from Portsmouth, Virginia means to live her life to the fullest. Mrs. King’s husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer less than a year into her retirement, and died eight months later. For a while the retirement life that she dreamed of was put on hold while her life underwent a drastic change.  The couple had already planned several trips abroad and were both looking forward to enjoying each other’s company.

   Now, after almost eight years of being a widow, Mrs. King is really finding her way and still taking full advantage of her retirement. She isn’t interested in sitting around; she is still traveling around the world, doing missionary work, shopping, and actively participating in the senior group at her church. Mrs. King believes “life rarely follows your plans, its constantly changing and you have to change with it.” Which is exactly what she’s done.


Audio interviews with Mrs. Peggy King: